The information on your website is collectively referred to as content. This is arguably the most important element of your entire search engine optimization (SEO) marketing efforts. In fact, having high-quality content on your website is one of the most important Google ranking factors. However, understanding which types of content to focus on and how to optimize your content for SEO may not be in your wheelhouse.
Fortunately, when you work with Lunar Local, a top-rated digital marketing agency, you can get expert legal content writers to produce blogs, landing pages, practice area pages, and other relevant content that can improve your rankings. Contact us to get started and read on to learn more about content optimization for lawyers and law firm websites.
Types of Content to Optimize
The content on your website is a direct reflection of your law firm or your practice as a solo attorney. There are many different types of content you could be focusing on, but some of the most important areas most high-ranking law firms direct their efforts include:
Blogs for Law Firms
Blogging is one of the most common ways to get your law firm featured in Google’s AI overview. By targeting long-tail keywords, you can directly answer your readers’ questions and provide them with information regarding the legal process.
Practice Area Pages
Your practice area pages should be the most relevant, fresh, and informative pages on your website. These are commonly referred to as “evergreen pages”. These are generally found in the Practice Areas section of your website’s hamburger menu. For example, if you run a personal injury law firm in Houston, you would want one of your practice area pages to be “Houston injury lawyer”, as this is one of the most common queries for injury victims in the Houston area.
FAQs for Law Firms
Your frequently asked questions (FAQs) pages may offer your readers additional information about specific laws that may pertain to their legal cases. You can go into greater detail and truly establish yourself as an authority on the matter by creating well-written, high-quality FAQ pages.
Prioritize Keyword Research
Figuring out which practice area pages to create, which landing pages are most important, and which topics to blog about is an essential part of your content marketing strategy. By prioritizing keyword research, you can find out what your potential clients are searching for, the information they need most, and figure out how to outrank your competitors.
By conducting a competitor analysis, we can determine which pages your competitors’ websites are ranking for, what they are doing well, and what they are doing wrong, so we do not make
the same mistakes. We should have a comprehensive content marketing plan in place so that we can track page performance while building out or updating your website.
How to Optimize Your Law Firm Web Content
Now that you know what types of content you should be producing and which keywords you should target, it is time to write the content and optimize it for current SEO best practices. Generally, pages with more than 1500 words outperform shorter web pages and Google rankings. For this reason, when building out your practice area pages and blogs, you may want to aim for longer-form content.
Be sure to implement supporting keywords throughout the page to ensure that your web pages are directly answering user intent. You want to include everything the reader could possibly want to know about that particular target keyword if you are taking the most comprehensive approach. You may want to include information about how long your law firm has been in business, your awards and accolades, and other notable facts to help establish authority.
Content should include statistics where necessary, but be sure to regularly update pages that include stats to ensure they continue to be relevant as time passes. Content should be written in a way that makes it possible for virtually anyone to read it. It may surprise you to learn that the average citizen only reads at the 7th or 8th grade level according to Cross River Therapy, so content should be written with readability in mind, not for other law firms or lawyers.
Get Help From a Reputable Law Firm SEO Content Marketing Agency Today
Producing high-quality content is critical if you hope to outrank your competitors. It may surprise you to learn that most lawyers do not know how to write for their target audience. Having a highly experienced expert legal content writer produce the practice area pages, blog posts, and other essential content for your website can set you apart from the competition and ensure your content is up to current SEO best practices.
Discuss your content marketing strategy further when you contact Lunar Local for a free website analysis. Fill out our secured contact form or call us to schedule yours as soon as today.